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the big camp out

The Big Camp Out

I hope you are well and keeping safe in these troubling times.

As you may already know, this weekend is usually the start of the camping season. However due to the current situation the traditional camping trip is not possible.

At Camping Sites In Britain, they are still want people to camp this weekend, following government instructions – by camping in your own back garden.

But more importantly, they want to raise £10,000 for our NHS heroes.

The money will go towards helping them with their mental well-being now, and after this current crisis is over.

They are calling this event the Big Camp Out, and we would really appreciate your support.

They have even put together a bit of a light hearted guide to camping in your garden which you might find useful.

If we all stick to the government guidelines and stay at home, this will pass sooner which means we can all get back to doing what we love camping.

For now, please stay safe and stay at home where possible.


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