Our Planet Needs Us
When we say us, we don’t mean The Expert Camper, but all of us to do our bit to reduce human impact on the planet.
Without the health of our planet we have nothing. As outdoor enthusiasts, campers, mountain hikers, we’re the ones who will spot the changes first. But by then it might be too late.
Here at The Expert Camper, we have identified ways our business and also our personal lives impact on the environment and we are making changes.
Yesterday was the best time to start, but as we can’t go back in time – today is the next best option.
Impact on the UK
This isn’t a UK issue, its a global issue and everyone around the world needs to do their part. There are some benefits to an increase global temperature, but these in our opinion don’t out weight the negatives. Here are just some of the negative impacts in the UK.
- Rising Sea Levels - meaning some parts of the UK become underwater
- More money needed for Sea defences
- More Extreme weather; more floods more draughts
- Potential for lower crop yield due to higher summer temperatures
- Loss of Scottish Ski Resorts
- Certain plant and animals to become extinct
Environmental Pledge
We are pledging to go green.
Most importantly as a company which promote you to explore the outdoors, we need there to be an outdoors to explore, not just now but in future generations.
But more importantly it’s the right thing to do, we have in our personal lives been making changes over years to become more green, so it only make sense to do the same for our business.
The changes we are making
Here are a list of actions we are taking. For more details read below.
- Planting Trees
- Being Carbon Neutral
- Efficient Deliveries
- Single Deliveries
- Google Cloud
Planting Trees
This is the biggest change we can make, and we plan on using 25% of the companies profits each year to plant trees. It’s looking likely in 2021 we won’t be able to help with COVID restrictions, but if we can we will also help plant. But we are working with Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust to plant trees in Yorkshire, where we are based.
If you know of a local project nearby that needs funding please get in touch.
But simply the more orders we do, the more trees we will plant.
In fact over the winter, in the local village me and Corey did some bush planting for a local football club, who wanted some to create a more natural fence around their field.
Becoming Carbon Neutral
Actually in fact our aim is to be carbon negative, but one step at a time. The changes we have made, we had a large office pre COVID and this has been reduced to our warehouse with a small meeting office at the side.
Simply put, we don’t need fancy offices to help serve you. Most of our staff can work just as well from home, so thats what we are implementing as well as being good for the team members (more leisure time, more time with family etc) it also means less staff driving into the office.
We moved our hosting (basically the computer which stores the website) to Google hosting as the company is carbon natural.
Efficient Deliveries
We offer two types of delivery services premium and affordable.
With the affordable service, we take the orders to a central location and the Yodel collects from there, reducing the number of places there delivery lorries have to visit. In fact, for small and medium size parcels we often walk the parcels around to the location.
We also try and batch process these, we can get 4 labels per piece of paper and while it might not seem a lot, if we do 100 orders, instead of 100 pieces of paper we just need to use 25. It’s not always possible but we do try as much as possible.
With our Premium Services, UPS and DPD – they do collect from us, we used to have a similar agreement but we due to the size of some of the larger tents, they collect from us. That said, we process these orders together and we might swap the services if for example we have 10 UPS orders and 1 DPD rather than both UPS and DPD visiting us, we will send all 11 orders UPS. Both are premium services and offer great service.
Single Deliveries
Where possible we try and deliver your in one delivery. We do allow you to place pre order on certain items, which we ship as soon as the stock arrives.
If you place an order with multiple items, some of which are pre order and others which aren’t, we will hold the other items till the pre order items have arrived and ship as one order.
If you do need the pre order items sooner, please do email us and we will ship the order out in two sections.
Google Cloud
There are other reasons why we chose to use Google as the host for our site, but one of the key factors was that they use 100% renewable energy and are carbon natural. In fact they are trying to be a carbon free company by 2030.
Plus much much more
We are always looking for small ways we can make this business more sustainable as we grow. We will keep you updated here, but if you have any ideas of suggestions please get in touch, while we wont 100% guarantee to do them, we will seriously consider them and maybe alter slightly.
Other small changes
As a family there are other small changes we are doing to be more environmentally friendly.
- Pack what we need for camping trips
- Banned Plastic Straws
- Stopped using Single Use Batteries (where possible)
- Meat Free Days