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What type of knives should you bring when camping

What type of knives should you bring when camping

When camping, it can be helpful to bring a few different types of knives.

The specific types of knives that you should bring will depend on your individual needs and the activities you plan to do while camping.

Here are a few types of knives that can be useful while camping:

  1. Pocket knife: A pocket knife is a versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of tasks, from cutting rope and food to preparing firewood.

  2. Folding knife: A folding knife is similar to a pocket knife, but it has a longer blade and is typically more suited for more heavy-duty tasks, such as preparing game or cutting through thick branches.

  3. Fixed blade knife: A fixed blade knife is a sturdy, reliable tool that can be used for a variety of tasks, from cutting and slicing to carving and skinning.

  4. Survival knife: A survival knife is a specialised tool designed for use in emergency situations. It is typically larger and more robust than other types of knives, and may have additional features, such as a built-in compass or a hollow handle for storing supplies.

Overall, the best type of knife to bring when camping will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

It is a good idea to bring at least one knife that can be used for basic tasks, such as cutting food and preparing firewood, as well as a larger, more robust knife for more heavy-duty tasks.

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