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Chocolate and Fruit Skewers

Chocolate and Fruit Skewers


This is a favourite of the kids and a great way to finish a BBQ. As you can see from the image above This one is a favourite both among the kids and the bigger kids (i.e me). This serves roughly all 5 of us but change the amounts to the size of your party.


A selection of fruit Strawberries, apricots, pineapples, mangoes, peaches, bananas – cut in chunks.

Extra Chocolate pieces


If you want melted chocolate on top of the fruit skewers follow this step first, if not jump ahead 1.

  1. Place broken pieces of chocolate in a heatproof bowl
  2. Set the bowl of a saucepan of boiling water and heat up to melt the chocolate
Chocolate and Fruit Skewers on BBQ

Thread alternative pieces of fruit onto the skewers

  1. Cook the skewers over the BBQ or campfire for around 3 minutes until caramelized.
  2. Drizzle the melted chocolate over the fruit
  3. Serve

Enjoy, our children are pretty young so we serve them into bowls for them to enjoy but you don’t need to do this.

What do you like to cook on a BBQ?

As mentioned I prefer to cook this on my Easy Camp Tripod BBQ as I can higher and lower the grill depending on the heat.

Chocolate and Fruit Skewers on BBQ close up

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