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Challenge Accepted - Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge

Challenge Accepted – Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge

Conquering The Yorkshire Three Peaks

For those of you who have been in the hiking scene for some time now might know what the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is.

However, for the benefit of those who do not, let us talk about it a little.

What is the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge?

Well, first and foremost, the location where this challenge takes place is at Yorkshire Dales National Park and it is one of the more frequently attempted challenges of all time.

As in the challenge’s name, the route is made up of three peaks: Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough.

So, for hikers who are up to it, they will be taking on the challenge of travelling across the 38.6-kilometre long route.

Not only is it going to be a horizontal challenge, but it is also a vertical challenge as all three peaks add up to 1524 meters.

So, we know the distances that we have to cover but what makes the challenge an accomplished one?

The main criterion is that a hiker has to overcome all these in the span of 12 hours.

Right now, the world record holder stands at 2 hours 46 minutes and 3 seconds.

The start and endpoint will be at Horton-in-Ribblesdale.

So, that is the gist of what the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is about.

The main objective is to finish the whole thing within 12 hours and for those of you who are even more ambitious, it is to beat the world record and own it.

Why should I do the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge?

Well, to address this question, I will be splitting it into two sections.

The first part is for the challenge, the second part is for the Yorkshire Three Peaks.

There are many reasons why you should do this challenge, for pride or achievement and many more.

However, first and foremost, if you do manage to complete the challenge within 12 hours, you get the opportunity to be a part of the ‘Three Peaks of Yorkshire Club’.

What is good about this club?

It is an exclusive membership given by Pen-y-ghent Cafe which means not everyone gets to be a part of it.

Furthermore, you get to wear the tie or pin given by the cafe to eligible members of the club.

If you enjoy it, this is a form of prestige.

Now, for those of you less interested in perks like these.

The other reason why you should do this challenge is that you can support another cause while improving your own physical and mental health.

Actually, you don’t even have to join a charity event to go through with it.

Grab a few friends, family members or even colleagues and you can just go on the hike.

If not for the perks, the view is something that you have to see at least once in your life.

How fit do I have to be for the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge?

I hope we have convinced you why this is a good challenge to take on.

The next commonly asked question is how much physical exertion is required to take on the three peaks.

Well, you do not have to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Dwayne Johnson in order to surmount this challenge.

However, you should still have some level of preparation beforehand.

Your body would need to be acclimatised to a significant walking distance.

This is because you would technically be travelling the distance of only slightly less than a full marathon.

Hence, while you don’t have to be at Olympian levels of fitness, it’s best not to attempt the Three Peaks without some hiking experience under your belt.

The other thing is also getting used to your gear as it will stick with you throughout the challenge.

So, for your training sessions, be sure to equip yourselves with the very same gear you will be using.

What do I need to bring for the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge?

Now, the next important question that will come to your mind now is the equipment and all that you might need for this ascend.

Before we move on, fret not, this is not a hike to Mount Everest so there are no excessive gears involved.

Equipment-wise, all you really need is a pair of comfortable and appropriate footwear.

If you wish to have walking sticks to aid you, you can opt for it as well. 

Next, the most important thing to have with you is your kit.

This is in the event that there are any spontaneous climate changes that require immediate responses and this is not rare by any means in open areas like these.

However, again, do not worry as this is not an intensive hike so there is no need to overload your kit.

Your kit should only be about three to five kilograms in weight so that it will not be an added strain on you on your ascend up the peaks.

For standard kits, these are some of the items we normally recommend people to bring on them: navigation equipment (maps, compasses, head torches), source of sustenance (water, food bars), emergency supplies (first aid kit, emergency shelter, safety blanket) and hiking accessories (sunglasses, sunhat, gloves, woolly hat).

It might seem weird for some of these items to appear in the list but trust us, Mother Nature is extremely unpredictable.

It is always better to be safe than sorry as we always will be at the mercy of nature.

However, the list above is just a general guideline to the more important items.

For a more comprehensive list, you can search it up online or ask a fellow hiker.


Thus, we hope this article has been a helpful guide and inspiration for you to take on the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge and strike off one more thing from your bucket list!


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