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8 ways to protect our beaches

8 Ways to Protect Our Beaches

The Yorkshire coastline is world renowned for its stunning beaches with plenty of space for spending a night camping, enjoying a relaxing walk, searching for critters in the rockpools and getting the hear tracing with some surfing. 

There are several beaches that stand out and have made quite a name for themselves including Saltburn, Mappleton, Whitby and Sandsend but there are a fair few lesser known beaches that are just as beautiful.

However, like all oceans and coastlines worldwide, they are becoming increasingly under pressure for various reasons including pollution, so it is extremely important that everyone, especially people visiting and camping on these beaches do what they can to ensure they leave no negative impact, and if possible, lead to an improvement in their condition. 

There are many actions one can take to help do their bit – and this doesn’t just apply to your camping trip to the coastline, adapt these behaviours into your everyday lives!

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Try and attempt to re-use items as often as you can whilst camping and, at the same time, recycle any waste you have in the correct bins available at the camp site.

Take as little waste as possible with you, that way there is a much lower chance of anything being left behind.

Any reputable camp site will have an efficient recycling point so that you can be sure your waste is disposed of in the correct way.  Remember to double check your packaging so that you can be sure it goes in the right bin!

Use eco-friendly packaging

Instead of buying and bringing a lot of plastic containers and food with plastic packaging, why not switch to an option which has a much lesser negative effect on the environment thanks to its recyclable properties. 

There are many options available nowadays including glass, wood, metal and even biodegradable plastics.

Join a Clean-Up

There are so many amazing teams that meet up on a regular basis to help rid the beaches of litter through organized clean-ups. 

Search online for organisations that run these and join one on your trip – it is great fun for the whole family, provides an opportunity to get some fresh air and exercise, whilst making a difference to the beautiful coastline.

Only Buy Sustainably Caught Seafood

Whether camping or not, sourcing sustainable sea food is a must if you love the ocean and what it offers us. 

Many species of fish are caught using unethical, unsustainable and unsafe practices, which is having a huge effect on marine ecosystems. 

If you eat seafood, do a bit of research before you buy.

Pick Up 3 Pieces of Litter

As sad as it sounds, it is very unlikely that you will take a walk along the beach and not see litter. 

It is by far one of the most pressing concerns of modern day society.  If you walk past it, you are simply part of the problem. 

Stop and pick it up, in fact why not pick up at least three pieces and throw them in a suitable bin.

This tactic as a whole could make a huge difference, and whilst camping you could be part of a positive movement for the ocean.

Be Careful with Bonfires

Bonfires can be fun, but they can also be extremely harmful to the beach – more than what meets the eye. 

At no point whatsoever should you burn your rubbish onto the fire; this will go straight into the sand and, overtime, release harmful chemicals into the ocean. 

Consider your surroundings and only light bonfires where they are permitted.

Don’t Allow Butts on the Beach!

It may or may not shock you to hear that cigarette butts are one of the main pollutants of our coastlines. 

Last year, a nation-wide beach clean-up cleared over 1.86 million cigarette butts from our beaches and oceans. 

That is actually more than the plastic bottles that were removed – which stood at a shocking 1.57 million. 

Not only does smoking have a dreadful effect on humans, it also has a very negative effect on our environment, so keep those butts off our beaches and ensure they are disposed of properly.

Spread the Message

Almost everyone treasures beaches and oceans, so encourage others to take part by spreading the message of ways to help protect them.

Why not check out your chosen camp site and see if they have any activities organised where you can join likeminded people. 

If they don’t, why not ask them if it is something they would be interested in hosting!

You could even find yourself putting on an evening talk at your next visit or organising a morning beach clean!


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