Free Delivery on ALL orders over £30
It is an offence for any person under the age of 18 years to purchase most kinds of knives. Therefore, we shall only supply such knives and related equipment to customers over the age of 18 years in accordance with the relevant legal requirements and subject to our terms and conditions of sale.
All orders placed that contain a knife will go through additional checks before we dispatch them.
We reserve the right to refuse the sale if we have reasonable cause to believe that the prospective customer is below the age of 18 years, or if we believe that the supply of goods to the prospective customer may infringe the Law or present an unacceptable potential risk to the safety of others.
We realise what having a knife packed in your camping gear can offer when hiking and camping and that is why we made the decision to stock them. However, as a responsible company we have to have the additional checks in place.
You may notice a small delay in the dispatch of any order which contains a knife, while we carry out such checks, so if you are considering ordering a knife, please do order well in advance of any trip you have planned.
An age verified item is anything that we are required by law to attain proof of age and address before dispatching your order.
This includes but not limited to: Knives, Multi-Tools, Machetes, Axe’s, Saw’s, and any other bladed tools.
18 years old. You need to be at least 18 years old to place an order for a age restricted item.
No different from placing an order any other way. The only difference is that, we will require you to chose UPS as a delivery service as our other carriers won’t deliver knifes.
Once your order has been placed we will send you an email asking for ID. This email gives instructions on what we need to see, please follow the simple steps in the email. We will ask to see a up to date driving license or passport.
We are required by UK Law to keep that information securely filed away for up to 3 years.
We are required to keep both a hard copy and a digital copy, both of which are stored securely. This information is then stored incase the police request us to see the ID.
We are also required to keep a “refusal list” for anyone that didn’t pass age verification.
Your order will be immediately cancelled and your details added to our refusal list.
Your order will be immediately cancelled and your details added to our refusal list.